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Celebrating 27 successful years in tourism, first let me once again thank MORAVA co-operators and friends all over the world. Today MORAVA, well known for prestige and service is a fully licensed (A) group travel agency with her experienced team in the tourism industry, specialising in incoming travel to Turkey and is one of the leading travel agencies in Turkey.

As you might be aware, today Turkey is the fastest growing and most exciting tourist destination in Europe. It has been repeatedly said:

- TURKEY is a tourists paradise

-TURKEY is the cradle of civilizations

-TURKEY is a bridge between east and west

These are just some of the common ideas about Turkey and we are at your disposal with MORAVA''s enjoyable art of hospitality to prove how correct they are.

While being enthousiastic about our role in the development of Tourism in Turkey, we present you with great pleasure our new website. We do hope that it will be of help to you in preparing arrangements for your trips.

This is the World of MORAVA!

And we welcome you to it.

Yours faithfully,


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